>> Wolf


"Wolf" came about through an exploration of consumtion and riots. We connected to an animal instint and that feed us
through a series of tasks to formulate a dance. With driving beats and super fast foot work, "Wolf" runs at the limit of
where we can move. Ideas were just added on with no thought to the task before it. Working this is medium cause the
body to shift through extremes at any moment. The only through line was that one must not stop or drop a constant rate
in the body. If dropped then the piece ends. If the energy stays constant than the piece could last forever.
The only way is up.
Choreography and Direction: Jordan Morley
Cast: Kendra Isobel Samson, Kim Ji Yeon, Kelley Branch
Music: Gang Gang Dance, Battles
Lighting: Brandon Baker
Costumes: Jordan Morley / Uniqlo
Venue: Baryshnikov Art Center 6th Floor Studio, NY